Sunday, September 11, 2011

Hes a Nice Guy, Towards Other People: How can you tell if a mutual friend is not that into you.

The mutual friend. Your in the same social circle, you hang out with them every once in a while and you don't know enough about them to make a judgement but you see how they interact with you and your friends and you know your place. Basically everything you do friendly towards that person it's awkward. Requesting to hang out at a later date, Facebook requests, doing favors or asking for their numbers--you get the look of NO. And you can't tell the truth because you have the same mutual friends and you don't want to be labeled as rude, weird or a bitch. Believe me I've been already labeled as rude, weird and a bitch.  So here are some ways to figure out if a mutual friend is not into you:

  1. They pick on you when they see you. 
I chose this as my number one sign because this has happened a few times. Every time I've tried to give a mutual friend advice or has made a sarcastic comment about something their response is "Well, your gay." Even if there were no connection between the story that I've told to the mutual friend, the fact that I'm a homosexual is always brought up. I could just be observing the weather and the response to my observation would be "Well, your gay." I've been picked on for years and I have a strong back bone because of it, but what surprised me was that it continues in adulthood. I think that the funny thing about "your gay"  is what happens if I was straight? What would be the response? And there so many other things that you can pick on me about besides whom I choose to sleep with. I don't make fun of you because you prefer vagina.

2. When your talking about something he/she doesn't show interest.

This irritates the hell out of me. Not only for a mutual friend to do but for any person. My friends are not interesting and my friends, friends are not interesting as well (about my friends that's sarcasm). But I make a good point to show interest  in what people are saying because their conversation maybe interesting. 85% of language consists of body language. If you are trying to have a conversation with a mutual friend and he/she is looking around they are not interested. Just stop the story and walk away. I know this is rude, but they were rude first. Another way is just stop the conversation and see how they respond. They'll probably make up an excuse on what they were looking at. Just say interesting and then walk away.  And you should say it in a tone of "your an asshole" too. You don't want to say the truth, because remember you have mutual friends. But you can say things sublimely by the tone of your voice.

3. They give you dirty looks.

Like I said before, 85% of language consists of body language. And people won't say anything because they don't want to hurt your feelings. But what they would do is give someone dirty looks. Ignore it. It just means that they don't have the audasity to come and step to you (Bills, Bills, Bills). Talk to someone else. Walk away.

4. Trust your instinct

This should be self-explainitory. Always trust your gut. Don't talk to any of your friends until your sure it's not you. If any of the interaction between a mutual friend isn't genuine just be polite and walk away. Talk it over with your friends if you know it's not.

If you have a topic you want to share or want to comment on this post or the others, comment below, follow me on twitter @dan19310 or Facebook me by clicking on the badge.

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