Friday, August 12, 2011

The Double Standard: Why Do We Have Them?

According to a California State University-Northridge study found that average American spends 28 hours a week watching television. I don't watch TV because I don't have cable so I resort to 28 hours a week watching Internet, mostly Youtube videos. Today what intrigued me was an  issue on double standards and why do we have them. So I want your opinion on some of them out of curiosity.

1.The Great Philosophical Debate: Player vs. Slut
Here is the scenario: A freshman comes to college, sleeps with 10 people. Depending on the gender people view it differently. Depending on the gender how would you view that person?

2. Your 20s is For Experimenting
Here is the scenario: Your getting to know someone that you are dating and you talk about the people that you sleep with. They reveal that they experimented in college. Once again, how would you view or react to that person based on the gender?

3. It's Just Harmless Flirting
Here is the scenario: Your at a bar with your better half, and he/she begins to flirt? Is it OK for either men or women to flirt if they are in a relationship?

4. Balancing The Office and Home
Here is the Scenario: A co-worker is getting ready to have a baby and is in the "nesting" phase of the process. He/she begin to figure out a way to balance the office and home life. How would you view that person depending on the gender?

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