Monday, August 22, 2011

Homophobia: The New Boogieman

 When Osama Bin Ladin was caught I think that it was either ABC News or NBC News that said, "That the Boogieman was caught." They even interviewed teens who were toddlers at the time of September 11th, explaining that Osama Bin Ladin would haunt them in their dreams. The Muslim  or anyone that looks Middle Eastern  has been the victim of hate. September 11th gave rise to islamaphobia and during the 00's decade, that was the Boogieman to America.
Although islamaphobia is still here today, homophobia has been on the rise as well. Appealing policies like Don't Ask Don't Tell  and the fight for gay marriage has made people have this irrational fear that if gay people want to get married or join the military then they will take over. These people don't realize that we pay taxes and are citizens.
What is Homophobia:
According to Websters Dictionary, homophobia is "the irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals." This means that people who are homophobic are scared of homosexuals for no apparent reason. It's like people on the Maury show who have irrational fear cotton balls or ballons. You make them touch a cotton ball or make them see it and they run away and cry behind the stage with the camera man following behind. And I think that is a good idea to get over fear of homosexuality. I think I'm going to reboot Fear Factor. And the contestants are homophobes from the deep south who are right-wing conservative, deeply religious and bible carriers.  Place them in areas like The Castro, San Francisco or DuPont Circle, Washington DC and make them face their fear of homosexuality. The producers would slowly wein them in like a gym or a gay bookstore. And then level it up and take them to a bath house or a gay pride event. And since the most scarest thing next to a muslim is gay marriage and the same sex household. The final level would be taking the contestants to a wedding of a same-sex couple or a household with two parents that are the same sex with a white picket fence in the suburbs and a child.The winner would be the last one standing. I should consider pitching this to Fox, NBC or better yet Bravo (move over Housewives).

Politics: Straight Agenda vs. Gay Agenda
The gay/homosexual agenda has been more talked about in this election than any election that I have paid attention to. Policies like Don't ask Don't Tell and marriage and issues like gay marriage all have a central message: just don't be gay. Don't be gay and you can join the military; don't be gay and you can live an unhappy life with a woman 2 kids, a house, and a white picket fence in the suburbs. But I don't know what happend in this election so far. It that each Republican candidate for both president and governor have taking stands against masturbation, porn, marriage, and divorce.  For example, Christine O'donnell, a Republican favorite, has made several PSAs against masturbation on MTV during 1996.  The Marriage Vow Pledge by the Family Leader has been signed by GOP presidential nominees Michelle Bachman and Rick Santorum (Santorum tehehe). Here is some of the things that the signee must vow to:
  • Personal fidelity to my spouse.
  • Vigorous opposition to any redefinition of the Institution of Marriage – faithful monogamy between one man and one woman – through statutory-, bureaucratic-, or court-imposed recognition of intimate unions which are bigamous, polygamous, polyandrous, same-sex, etc.
  • Humane protection of women and the innocent fruit of conjugal intimacy – our next generation of American children – from human trafficking, sexual slavery, seduction into promiscuity, and all forms of pornography and prostitution, infanticide, abortion and other types of coercion or stolen innocence.
  • Recognition that robust childbearing and reproduction is beneficial to U.S. demographic, economic, strategic and actuarial health and security.
  • Rejection of Sharia Islam and all other anti-woman, anti-human rights forms of totalitarian control.

  • Fierce defense of the First Amendment‟s rights of Religious Liberty and Freedom of Speech22, especially against the intolerance of any who would undermine law-abiding American citizens and institutions of faith and conscience for their adherence to, and defense of, faithful heterosexual monogamy
And the funny about taking on these social issues is that they shouldn't be social issues. If marriage is supposed to be a vow to love and cherish between a man and a wife, how come personal fidelity is an issue? How come pornography, masturbation and gay marriage a bad thing? I have an idea. If you don't like gay marriage, don't marry someone of the same sex. The one argument that gets me against gay marriage is that they say that if it's federal, then they could institute marriages between human and animals,  cousins and cousins, and siblings. Ironically those states that oppose gay marriage marry humans and animals, cousins and cousins, and siblings.

In Culture
As a gay man, the most annoying thing about our generations lexicon is the saying "No homo." If you don't know what that means or your from Mars, two straight men can say something about one another, but before or after they say "no homo." For instance the sentence can say "Dude, no homo but I like your hat." It's in our music. For example, in Lolipop by Lil Wayne says, "No homo, but she said he so sweet I want to like the wrapper." If you don't want it to come off as gay, don't say the complement.

Life is full of contradictions. I used to get mad at the word faggot and gay. I used to even get into fist fights with my siblings over the word. I found out as I'm accepting myself it's just a word. Words change with every generation and with every culture. Fag in England means cigarett. Faggot before it was used as a negative word to describe gay people was a bundle of sticks. Gay in the 1950s met happy. Now gay means stupid.

The School:
I've watched a lot of videos on homophobia via youtube and they all have something in common. That they read the same book and then complain to a religious organization that their child's teacher made them sit down and read this book. The book is called Who's in a Family by Robert Skutch. This book promotes diversity by presenting different families like a latino family, a grandmother and her kids, and a same-sex family. Another book is called King and King. In this book, a prince and a prince gets married. And in this video it really shows you that education starts from home. The purpose of both teachers reading these books was to promote diversity. The parents explained that their child was quoting from the second book and had to sit him down and tell him that, that kind of behavior is unexceptable.

Another issue about school and homophobia, is the prom. I always hear common stories about a student who is gay or lesbian bringing their boyfriend or girlfriend. And they're always banned from the prom. If you don't want to see it, don't go to the prom. Back in my day (sound hella old) if you were gay you would bring your fag hag. Hell, I did bring my fag hag to the prom. And we had a good time.


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